1. University

Webinar - Why All or Nothing Thinking Can Hurt Our Progress

Dr. Jessica Bachman hosted a 2-part series on why and how all or nothing thinking can impact our progress when it comes to nutrition. Have you ever thought:
•"oh, I already messed up so it doesn't matter now"
•"I'm so busy right now, if I can't do it perfect, I won't do it at all"
•"I can't enjoy xyz because I need to cut it out of my diet completely"
This type of thinking can be detrimental to your progress. This webinar series will tackle this topic and give you applicable tips to help you break the cycle of "all or nothing" (or dichotomous) thinking.
**Part One: **
Topic: Intro to Dichotomous Thinking (free and open to the public)
Overview: Leave with an understanding of what dichotomous thinking is, how it may be impacting long-term success and get some tips for how to make improvements in the flexibility of your thoughts surrounding food.
All or Nothing Thinking Webinar
Here's the link to the Part 1 webinar recording
Click here or on the image below for the Dichotomous Thinking Worksheet
DT Thinking Worksheet Snip
**Part Two**
Topic: Stronger U Member Exclusive Live Q&A
Overview: Learn how to apply the concepts from the webinar to your daily life and leave with a personalized action plan on how to improve the flexibility of your mindset around food for sustainable success.
Note: This event was only open to current Stronger U members and was not recorded do keep confidentiality due to the nature of the conversations.